Friday, September 28, 2012

Book Haul and Giveaway Reminder and Upcoming Scavenger Hunt

This picture made me so angry lol. It's not sideways but it keeps uploading sideways. You guys are just going to have to turn your head to look at it. I got both these at the garage sale I was talking about last week. They were probably like 10 cents a piece.

I got all these at Half Price Books for 1.50 a piece. I heard Touch the Dark and Darkfever were really good so I got them while I could get them cheap. And I'm so excited I almost have all the Mercy Thompson books. I absolutely love the series. If you haven't read it you need to. I still need Mooncalled and Silverborne I think. I wish I could find the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs for cheap.

I got these at Goodwill for a dollar a piece. Moonlight was a random pick, I have never heard anything about it, and so was Nature of the Beast. I heard One for the Money was pretty good so I picked it up.

I also got these at the garage sale last week. No idea why I picked up First Wives Club, other than it was cheap and was curious. I didn't know The hundred and One Dalmatians had a book that's pretty awesome. And who doesn't love the movie Forrest Gump, so I had to get the book.

One October 1st, I will be posting the rules for Touching Eternity Scavenger by Airicka Phoenix hunt. It's going involve a lot of bloggers and have awesome prizes. It preparing for its upcoming December release. Here is the link to add it to your Goodreads. It is the 1.5 to Touching Smoke (goodreads link). Check it out, and as always let me know what you think! Here is the link to Amazon.

And don't forget the Of Smoke and Bone by Courtney Cole Giveaway going on right now.


  1. Well you had a great cheap haul!! That is always awesome. Dark Fever is great! And you know what I haven't ever read a Patricia Briggs novel yet..but I do have Moon Call on my TBR list! :) (I think that is what it is

    Happy Reading

    1. I try to buy all my books used, saves money. I love Patricia Briggs I've read her Mercy Thompson series and Alpha and Omega series, but the problem is I checked them out from the library. I want to own them so I'm slowly collecting them. If you love werewolf books you should check her out.
