While normal kids are slamming energy drinks and cramming for exams, Celeste will get her adrenaline rush fighting a fire breathing dragon. She wants to meet friends in the quad to exchange lecture notes, but first she must exchange blows with a shapeshifting demon on the rooftop. Life isn’t always fair for a superhero, but at least she doesn’t have to do it alone. With her brother and sister as sidekicks, they alternate between saving lives and getting on each others’ nerves. Together the trio encounters unspeakable odds, mystical forces and comes face-to-face with an image that will haunt them forever—their grandmother in a leopard print bikini.
Okay, little side note here. If a psychopathic
killer asks if you want to see a trick, say no.
That’s the smart thing to do. I, on the other
hand, responded, “Bring it.”
-excerpt from THE CONDUIT
“At certain moments in life, reflection is
mandatory. I found being squeezed in the scaly
claw of a three story dragon to be one of them.”
― Stacey Rourke, The Conduit
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I LOVE this series. Can't wait to read Sacrifice!